WebAssembly is a new technology for running portable programs in a safe and efficient manner, repre…
Gotalk exists to make it easy for programs to talk with one another over the internet, like a web a…
I’m very excited to let you know that I’m joining Dropbox. After two years at Facebook I couldn’t b…
Your favourite fancy-pants modern programming language is from the 1950s. Pretty much any programmi…
Q&A with Charles Eames
During this weekend, together with a few evenings earlier this week, I created a rather simple virt…
A tutorial to writing our own programming language
The “Hello World” of functional programming, result type inference, and multiple implementations in…
One of my latest hobby projects that didn’t die after a week — a functional programming language wh…
A small iOS and OS X Cocoa library for communicating over USB and TCP
UILayer provides a JavaScript API on top of WebKit for working with the concept of layers. Instead …
Here’s to the crazy ones
One and a half years ago me and
released a new version of — a new kind of web…
A few months back I wrote a programming language called Move. Before the advent of Move, JavaScript…
Video of flying a small airplane over San Francisco under the setting sun.
I’ve now been at Facebook in Palo Alto, California for almost three months. And I love it.
Fellow designer Jordi Parra recently finished his masters degree project “Spotify box” — a beautifu…
In the fast-paced world of web browsers Mozilla Firefox owns the second largest market share. Yeste…
Quick web hacks are great fun — getting an idea, realizing it and publishing it during a day or thr…
This weekend’s hack is an iPad app which displays your Facebook news feed in a “photo frame” fashio…
Recently Apple released the App Store for Macs (that is, a way to distribute and purchase applicati…
As I’m very interested in human-computer interaction, programming languages and the act of looking …
The OS X Menubar is that light-grey thing stuck to the upper edge of the screen. It’s stationary (w…
As many other people running their blogs on Tumblr I’ve become painfully aware of their failures to…
In mid August 2010 I left Spotify to eventually work for Facebook in California. However, as the US…
One thing I really quite like about this phone is the looks of it. I mean, who wouldn’t want a phon…
When you edit many files where there are natural pairs (for instance, interface + implementation pa…
I’m writing a little OS X app which among other things highlight source code. To avoid re-inventing…
Key-Value Observing (KVO) in Cocoa programming is for the most part a dance on roses – less code, l…
Found this song/video on Vimeo a while back and was reminded by it’s brilliance last Tuesday while …
I’m selling one of my best analogue 35mm rangefinder cameras: a mint condition Voigtländer Bessa R4…
Instructional comic on b/w film development I drew back in 2000. First post in my “doodle” post ser…
“Evolution of Type, Exhibits 1-5” by Andreas Scheiger.
While going through old web site backups I found a lot of old creations of mine, ranging from print…
Found this old room design from a project I did with YNG/Svensk Form for Nordiska Kompaniet in 2005…
I’m going through old data backups, moving everything to a new location, and am finding a lot of lo…
By popular demand I am releasing the Tumblr theme I’ve created for this site. You can grab the sour…
With the release of playlist groups in Spotify you are now able to clean up that messy sidebar. Her…
I’m moving on to a new adventure: In October later this year I’m starting as a product designer at …
Internally at Spotify, we are calling this the Monster Release. Yeah, green and all, but the thing …
Had a wonderful weekend in Amsterdam attending Music Hack day. We released libspotify for Mac and W…
Ephemicropolis by Peter Root
Spend the Sunday evening in a great way – speaking (and listening) at TEDx Viggbyholm in Stockholm.…
If you live in the Stockholm area of Sweden and are interested in visual design, make sure to atten…
Came by a set of beautifully designed chocolate bars today at Betsy Sandberg while strolling throug…
The title probably gives you goose bumps. No? It doesn’t? Maybe it should.
At Spotify, we recently put up two large TV screens on the walls of our Stockholm office (most R&am…
A fun and inspiring advertising/art project I’ve been involved in (wrote the server and client soft…
Our/Spotify’s first ever commercial television advert premieres today on Kanal 5 in Sweden.
At the time of writing this, we distribute Spotify for Mac OS X as a regular DMG (disk image). The …
The latest version of Gitblog got a new posts manager, which has been inspired by the inbox of Goog…
Today (Oct 7th, 2009) was the 1 year anniversary of the Spotify desktop client. We celebrated with …
Yesterday Markdown support was introduced in a new version of Gitblog. Markdown is a text-to-HTML c…
Q: How well does the Nginx HTTP push module perform with 10 000 concurrent clients? (Ye olde C10k p…
One of the most cumbersome problems of implementing some kind of HTTP push a.k.a. Comet functionali…
Got this book from a friend as a spontaneous gift. She found it in an old bookstore at Birgerjarlsg…
Gotta love Cocovaja at Vanadisplan.
Yesterday I wrote DroPub – a simple but powerful little OS X application which transparently handle…
I just released the first official version of DroPub. It's a mute little OS X application which mak…
It's friday, the sun is shining and everyone in the world are happy. Group hug!
Just got a few so far, but I’m sure Twitter will yield lots more over the coming days, so I&#…
Me and a friend looked at what the newly released Facebook Desktop Notification is doing (a simple …
I eat out almost every day. Why? Because I like spending the extra money? No, of course not. What’s…
Smisk 1.1.7 will not bring many new features, but one of them is a built-in HTTP server which can b…
I’ve laid the groundwork for the upcoming Gitblog user interface.
So, my blog is back up again after a month downtime. We tried to upgrade Wordpress on our server an…
We just released libspotify – The Spotify Core library – into the wild. This will enable anyone to …
I think we invented this drink at Berns last Monday. It's a cocktail.
Today I released tc – Python bindings to the Tokyo Cabinet database library. The code is heavily ba…
Lately I’ve been researching some into the holy grail of keyed data storage – best combination of p…
Today the Swedish video-tech startup Bambuser announced a really cool thing – frames dropped during…
There's currently alot of discussions and finally also action taken in order to have the lagging pa…
It finally happened. Google did something that was really useful for Google Hosted customers – genu…
Without aesthetic, design is either the humdrum repetition of familiar clichés or a wild scramble…
The Swedish interactive new media bureau Starring was previously bought by LBi and have now gone th…
Artist, designer and educator Elif Ayiter presents The History of Visual Communication – a website …
For quite some time I've been investigating and researching on how to best theme/skin/style a deskt…
Jump directly to:
My first visit to NYC & Niagara
Mattias buys his own apartment
Briefly enga…
Smisk 1.1 have been released, including an extensive python library introducing Content Negotiation…
Colors is a simple application for anyone who needs to be able to pull colors from what you can see…
About two years ago I created a simple presence/alert/observer Yahoo! Pipe for Spotify. Now, that p…
This might not be fancy news to you, but it was for me: Adium, the utterly good instant messenger f…
Business cards – a channel for wild creativity.
Since 2004, Technoratis annual study has unearthed and analyzed the trends and themes of blogging, …
I think this is hilarious.
But do we really need BON magazine? I was a dedicated subscriber from day one, until suddenly BON s…
Hunch Timeline displays events in the beginning of August 2008
Yesterday Adium 1.3 was released, which among many things includes a Spotify link recognition patch…
View from our hotel room this noon
Noko Jeans consisting of Tor Rauden Källstigen, Jacob Åström and Jakob Ohlsson are aiming to produc…
Take a few minutes to check out this video about legendary tailor Martin Greenfield.
Music has always been a way for people to communicate and create an identity. From the traditional …
Write about my syntax-highlight plugin and maybe about the other plugins too.
Honda Live Advert Sky Dive Difficult is worth doing
By unitedgoals via Fintsomsnus
Well, this was a disappointment for sure:
So, after two years, The Smisk web service framework has finally been released as a stable version.…
A lot of software enables the user to extend it in order to enhance productivity and customize her …
I just released a true Mac-style simple installer package which gives you a complete D with Tango-p…
Yes, this is my new blog. I don’t know how many times I’ve started and came almost the whole way be…
I’ve been using Mozilla Camino for a long time, mostly due to my heavy keyword usage. I don’t even …
Very touching essay on Chernobyl victims by Magnum photographer Paul Fusco.
I’ve added iphone to the list of output formats available from Stuff. Features progressive list loa…
I’ve just arrived in New York and is sitting here in my room at the Waldorf=Astoria – without any l…
</embed>I communicate a lot using files. Images, videos, screencaps, pdfs, etc - and there’s…
Today, recent Leica M customers received this message:
We released a feature called Collaborative Playlists yesterday, which basically is a playlist who a…
The United States Library of Congress has partnered with the immensely popular flickr photo sharing…
Was quite a big disappointment, actually.
Entourage is probably the biggest joke in modern Software…
The new version of Mac OS X has been released and here’s my somewhat incomplete review.
Yesterday Google premiered IMAP connectivity for their mail platform Google Mail. It turned out pre…
Today our old server, Gaia, begun to crash in havoc. HTTP/S is out and the file system is trash bey…
Today, Phase One released a beta of their new photo manager and RAW developer application Capture O…
Theme song: La Niña de Puerta Oscura
Part 1/3
Part 2/3
Part 3/3
Version 0.1.3 of Spotify introduces Uniform Resource Identifiers for sharing and locating artists, …
Aaaaah! I’m sooo releaved, happy and tired right now. We finally made the move from Riddargatan to …
I LOVE this video.
Scott Ainslie Sutton reports from DebConf 07 and write about the Spotify presentation during the se…
My first serious python extension (written in C), py-fcgi, has been released.
It is a FastCGI clien…
I have three computers which I need to have in sync; my Mac Pro at work, my stationary iMac at home…
I experienced the Play! Video Game Symphony yesterday and it was amazingly good! A big multi-discip…
“Jacob Åström 23 år, webdesigner och ett barn av sin tid” råkade ut för något högst trevligt och ko…
I just read Derek Powazeks story on what is happening to JPG Magazine, the (until now) fantastic di…
We have launched Spotify closed beta and here’s a few bloggers writing about it:
I will keep my own…
I decided to do some performance analysis on python and fcgi.
As I’ve been reading about, testing, …
Flickrs’ fabulous uploading tool Uploadr has, finally, been updated and now runs fast like hell on …
When I first set up Wordpress, I went with the default path for uploading and storing files (images…
I onsdags såg jag och min kära vän Mattias den nya Svenska filmen Gangster med bla. Mikael Persbran…
My favourite photo tool Apple Aperture has been updated.
Aperture 1.5.3 addresses issues related to…
Ahhh! It’s soo refreshing to clean the desktop once in a while.
Mattias told me about this very nice screensaver for Mac OS X. It renders the current time in a typ…
A bunch of African designers are pissed for being excluded from the loop of graphically profiling t…
My company runs a web server without any real backup. Lately we’ve seen some strange file system st…
I’m giving up my old home-made RoR weblog for Wordpress. So far, some stuff do work (like writing n…
A “Pärlplatta” is plastic beads melted together by ironing.
I made this really simple, yet fun F…
Egadget writes about leaked pictures of what looks like a new buget DSLR camera from Nikon, called …
There are two things that everyone loves, cats and lasers!
Yesterday I got my copy of The Pragmatic Programmer – a book about all those important things w…
The fantastic self-taught Icelandic photographer Rebekka Guðleifsdóttir has shot pictures for Toyot…
Here’s one fine unpacking ceremony for all you photo-tech lovers out there to enjoy.</p>
The Canon EOS 30 D features a revolutionary new preset exposure program called “Faithful”. It m…
Excerpt from the website:</p>
Science World AD
Ok, so OS X has some nice screensavers. But I don’t want a fancy-pantsy processor eating blob in 7 …
I’ve been working on this new design for Spray the last couple of months, together with Oliver Wagn…
Just saw this really, really good Korean short called ”My Sassy Girl” (or “Yeopgijeogin geunyeo” in…
“One of PHP’s greatest strengths happens to be one of its greatest weaknesses as well: PHP is easy …
You know all those new “web 2.0” logos? With color transitions, glare and standing-on-glass-reflect…
Check this out and then, click random or next or something.
An intresting new site.</p>
“Virtual memory (VM) is just what it says – ‘virtual’ – it really doe…
A friend of me, Fredrik Stark, just came across this presentation from the dudes at Flickr, about h…
So, after like six years of time, all Microsoft has come up with is a new skin for XP.</p>
Sad to kn…
Yesterday I made this thread implementation in ActionScript 2. Needed it for a multiple file upload…
The classic wallpaper made in 2002.
Weekly faves
<a style="font-size:13px" href="…
I’m not dead, just sick tired of this www-thing of mine.
Always wondered about the apple-command-i…
Finally, a Goupies-blog! Prize the Lord!
the domain has for some reason been disconnected, so I’m having trouble rendering all tho…
23-24th of april, Nyckelviksskolan
Martin has, for some time now, (sorry) shown alot of really good shit (nice, graphical output) at m…
I read this short notice at Slashdot about Google X, wich appeared at google labs on thuesday. Here…
I hate MS Windows. I truly do.
Summary: My “odrägliga” brother Andreas had his 20th birthday yesterday. We wen to london and drank…
New Scientist writes about this moon, wich is kinda scary though it looks just like the beloved Dea… woke up today after a looong sleep.
Wassup with Steve Jobs and that nice haircut of his? Is that how you look when you’re demoing NeXT …
The Vice A to Z of Design rocks. Okay. Creative Behavior has thrown up their “new” site, with some …
I visited the art exhibition Please Disturb on it’s vernissage today. Really nice stuff! A cool flo…
Yesterday, history was written. Apple introduced the very first “peoples” mac, starting at only $49…
This is claimed to be the first mac/apple rumor in history:…5f11c023dd…
BIG gratulations to Christian & Rosita and their new family member Isak! Woho!!
I haven’t written anything here for a month. That’s bad, right? What have I been up to then? Alot o…
Take a look and listen to singer/songwriter Andreas Boström. He’s the man!
Milk dock icons for Adium updated to version 1.2. Weeho! Tomorrow is that scary day. Keep an eye ov…
This dude is fucking hardcore! He’s porting Grand Theft Auto 3 to Nintendo 8-bit! Assembly-level. G…
Peter Bruhn made a beautiful work with Aachen for Sydsvenskan. No fresh news, but well worth checki…
Today Formac announced their new line of TFT-displays. They are called Gallery Extreme and comes in…
Here’s a great tool to start with when setting up xml services in php: XmlService Wrote it yesterda…
Radioio recently switched to a new playlist url, so my Radioio Rock logger deamon has failed to upd…
Twentyfour Supreme released thier new site today. Behind 24 supreme is Christian, now working with …
Constructed a little droplet for creating disk image files (dmg) on OS X. Includes settings for com…
I won a contest, or lottery, at and the price is one typeface of choice from MAC Rhino Font…
Almost everyone knows about the Ikea product names. Well, in English som of them mean something els…
MTV Europe is working on a new, global design for their websites. The release is due to mid-late de…
Apple presented a new iMac at Apple Expo in Paris today. It looks a bit like the new cinema display…
Refurbished my CV and did a new icon for the little bastard. The typeface of choice is Hovden Stitc…
Well, were once again moving from one server to another. This time to a FreeBSD mach…
i’m sick and have been home sleeping this week. Since I must always have something to do, I threw m…
Kowalski Plus, or more correct, Markus Wiklund posted his new portfolio a la classy tennis. I’ve pu…
Vodafone Desgin FileEffective or just effect-ive?
Well, today the brief for this years annual YoungGuns competition was announced. This year it’s tim…
Mattias Fakepilot did it again. This time Bryant Park Hotel, NYC, get some ass whipping stuff.
I bought a ixus i, black. Insanely nice indeed. But I’m sick, home from work. That sucks. Even doug…
Well, now the “projects“-category of this little site is up-n’-runnin’. Check out the two new appli…
The last weeks I’ve been working my ass off, but that hasn’t stopped me from continuing to reconstr…
Combining minimalism and some color, Niklas & Bafé has launched a new site. Sweet.
Did some just-in-time update of old illustrations and prints. Some not displayed here before. Other…
Well. I’ve now seen the last episode of Taken and must admit it was a good serie, but the last two …
Well, because of NIC-SEs’ maaad regulations, it’ll take some time for to work ag…
Hi folks! Magnus Engsfors has born a new little site. I know there is some really nasty snowboard p…
Well, after a loong time with RP13, it’s now a relief to put up my new portfolio. Yeah. It is much …
Illustrator Alex Hylander finaly launched a new showcase at Take a close look in h…
After almost a year, Sigmund has got an update! Version 3.2 is a major enhanchment from 3.1. Now us…
I haven’t did any updates of the movie reviews nor posted any news, so I did my best today. :P amon…
Released SimpleCVS 1.2 this morning. It’s a CVS with simple architecture and easy interface. Use to…
Well, heh… I haven’t wrote anything for a while now, so here’s a resumé: Made cover + etiquette for…
At last, I’m with Panther! Many thanks to Urna!
And the classic “Also”… The roof in my appartment …
Singer-songwriter Elliot Smith has died. Apparently he stabbed himself in the chest. He was a great…
Swedish design agency Rioalto launches a sweet little minimalistic site at Also, check…
I’ve been listening to Kyle Balda, 3D-animator famous world wide for features susch as Toy Story 2,…
Me and Tobias Hermansson are kicking a seminar about graphic design with focus on youths. We’ll hav…
I’ve completed a new typeface. It’s a sweet little thing called Hovden Stitch. Yes your guess was c…
I’ve made my first useful java application. A minimal, platform independent HTTP-server. Fire up a …
Latest updates are as follows: Last weekend, I joined a party at Berns in Sthlm. It was quite borin…
Niklas Veen Huis just released his brand new portfolio, delivering goodie intro and outros of every…
The Human kind in a nutshell - It has been revealed that a new breed of wepons is being developed. …
A new subsection is available under rasmus.misc. It’s called applications n’ scripties and serves c…
I’ve been to Hovden for a couple of days with my dad. Last weekend me, Arre and Carl-Johan went to …
Two new movies are up for pleasant viewing: Ett Svart Hål and Fakking Hålmål. Also, one little play…
Did an little site update. Switched to the new ra-logo on the red plate, worked out a new image-vie…
Drowe a illustration using plain ink on OH-film. Check it out dude. Today I took a turn and went to…
The Mill has just completed a promo for Benny Benassi’s latest release, Satisfaction, which is out …
A giant “thing”, measuring about 12 meters, washed ashore in China. Experts from all over the world…
Ola Möller has put up his new site wich is just fabulous! Love the simplicity and the way you navig…
Added no less than four brand new illustrations. After you checked out the illus’, get over to Aust…
Today, New Scientist published an article about a new kind of comuters, mini, flexible and made fro…
I’ve read a hell of a nice serie of stories about “the man on the street” - Greg Packer. First, rea…
Yesterday me and Isak had a discussion about how we illustrate using reference photos. I use illust…
Here is a page from Tidningen Foto issue 4, 2003. It’s about the photo book Ögonblick where one of …
This afternoon Novemberfestivalens new web was launched. Made by Flajm. Check it out: novemberfesti…
Speedway Digital Army released their new site today. Go get crazy.
Now I have put up allmost all o…
Pjuuuuh! Yesterday I handed over my application tasks in order for my application to Beckmans schoo…
I have planned a refurnishing on my CV, but today I did a total remake. Got rid of the less imortan…
Hellú! Today I have one good and one bad news for myself. The good one is that I have fixed my pre-…
Vodafone are going to record 12 ads during the Swedish rock festival Stockholm Calling, this Saturd…
Ma’ man Christoffer Öberg has released his new porfolio! check out those goodie-good illustrations …
A new technique providing us with the ultimate control over light has been uncovered. It offers a w…
Right now, I’m at a Hotel in Brecia, Italy. I’ll be back on monday eve. It’s about 30 deg. cel. her…
Waaaahh! Today I got my PowerBook 15”/1Ghz. It’s so f***ing wonderful! Check out this photo documen…
Thank you Michael / Lookom for the uplink!
Plans & Design finally released some yum-yum conten…
Those guys has a promising future! Check out Idiologic UF and be amazed.
My old mobile phone just would’t work anymore, so I had to get a new one. Luckfully, I got a good d…
Congrats to my Brother Andreas, who got his drivers license last thursday! Also, loads of grats to …
Added 13 new icons to the iconpack. Also, Chinese scientists decoded SARS genome.
Smashed up a couple of new illustrations (2) and some print-stuff (6). Also, read through this arti…
Added a new function called Album Overview to the Photo-section. Also, I have discarded the fancy j…
New isse of Soda Magazine released. Turn those pages at
This time it is the real thing, scientists promise - the complete sequence of human DNA, as perfect…
Made a website for my friends band called Great Northern. Also, I was participating in the 10th ann…
Today, Flajm released new website for Magasin 15 on their 10th anniversary. www.novemberfestivalen.…
Today Apple released a new version of their digital video suite. Products wich got an unpgrade is F…
I’ve added a new subsection to the misc-section called programmatic goodies
Premiere of the five sites produced by Flajm for the Kendrion Fastening concern. Get those windows …
Today Dalsa realeased their new High Definition, high datarate camera. The Dalstar 2M30-SA outputs …
I came across a very intresting pice of reading about why the bubbles on a guinness are white, even…
The new version 5 of is now online!
Premiere for Swedish e-zine Le Manchester!! Read all about rock and popmusic.
Today the application form for Beckmans school of Design arrived! I’ll be a huuuge task to complete…
artSWEDEN is finaly released!! After almost two months of working, our baby is up ‘n running! CHECK…
I have found what might be the new 15” Alu Powerbook Screen!! Read this article.
Sources inside one of Apple’s existing LCD panel suppliers report that “final prototype work has be…
Clone 13 Studios, located in Vetlanda, Sweden, are showing off some really cool stuff. They are mak…
The halfproject-kinda contest we held at GF is now complete. Go here to view the result.
The International Style’s first music video is now rolling at Swedish music channel Z-TV. The clien…
Remember The Madlab from rp 10-12? Now it’s back and naugthier than ever! I gave up the database co…
I’ve updated the iconpack with eight new icons. Go get it in the misc-section or just rip it down r…
I’m definitly a switcher. After listening to Mark Turner from Apple today, at macforum expo 2003, I…
I have some computer PC-hardware on stock wich I sell. Go here to learn more and take a look at the…
Do you need some extra juice for your notebook? Get an extra 16 hours in one tiiiny superpolymer ba…
Yeah! My little brother Andreas has his 18th birthday today! Yeah. Now he can buy beer and talk dir…
I haven’t seen five greek gerbils this week. Acctually I’ve never seen greek gerbils at all, but I’…
There’s a new wallpapa in the hall of wallpapas. Go there n’ get it or have the hires right here.
artSWEDEN need contributors now!! If you are scandinavian and feel like writing about Swedish art o…
Canon announces that a replacement for their semi-professional EOS D60 is soon to arive. If your up…
The Winterproject stoped the world for a couple of minutes when they launched their fresh site upda…
Skatan is now 16 years! Yeah!
I’ve put up my server at home again and on it I have begin compiling an archive of my sites. Clicke…
Watch my ninja-cow-workout video. It’s time to get fit!
I bet you’ve missed Bibers site dude! Check it out! BTW, I’m talking about Jonas Bergström.
Today we like each other! Share the love with this stuff.
Don’t start a war. Please.
Yesterday the GF-battle started. Two groupes, each consisting of 14 con…
Here comes the daily reminder folks! Dont forget to visit once in a while, becaus…
Tag me at Lat 58.2843, Long 12.2881
During this weekend we have experienced hardware problem and due to this, the release of artSweden …
Photos from yesterday party is now up in the photo-section. Or by clicking here.
Josse got adult a… is now complete due to the author. Check in check out for a thrilling moment of rea…
Grafiskt Forum (aka Solander Forum, forum@solander) has got a new domain. Also a gallery feature is…
Dark and dirty it comes with the girlie-mark in rugged style. Get it in two resolutions at the wall…
Bush is crazy but this was a funny relief. The E-Bomb. Almost harmless to humans but most deadly to…
Carlos Silva has just released the new version of his dog-oriented website Wisemoor | Rough Colies.…
Skatan has released his brand, new look. Check it out or distinguish yourself from the humans as an…
The photos from the industrial session snowboard contest is up in the photo-section. Also, added st…
Hi, my name is Sameul. You can order something from my menu.
You can now calibrate your monitor fo…
I’ve been up all night scanning and resizing the photos from last CampHovden! And now, finaly, they…
New photos from a night at the Nohab industrial area. Category: Action/Snowboard. Check em’ out in …
Thank you Thomas Baert for makin an uplink!
I have now published a slimmed version of the previous…
Nicklas aka. Skatan shot some really nice images at the snowboard contest “industrial session” last…
Hmm. Tell me lads, is this new site an upgrade or a downgrade from my previous RP12? (The one with …
Yes, that’s true. Gimme lots of comments and be constructively criticising.
RP13 (13th portfolio/homesite) is soon to be online. Come back in a few hours/days mate!
Ohhh myy goood! This is what humanity have been looking for for ages and ages! A comapny whos speci…
Well. Where should I start?!
….Thank you Filip/Shapelab for the exposure of my art!
Swedish art …
Today Hanna and Madeleine starts their long journey down to Australia! Follow them trough this diar…
Google has made a resume of this years searches. For example you can follow Las Ketchup’s craze aro…
Massive update of the Photo-section. Added old-time goodies…
Congratulations Jacob Åström! You made it!! Värnpliktsnytt is waiting for you!
If you want, you can have fun
Don’t miss the November festival this weekend. Starts tomorrow (Sat 23) and ends sunday afternoon. …
Hans Åber is now one of the lads! Also, check out the outstandingly new design at
[IMG][/IMG] I’ll be watchin…
Hip to the hop to pop and it’s hiphop cuz’ we don’t stop! Oh Yeah! is public with it’s new design by Fakepilot. Check it out dude!
Well, as you may have noticed, the web-section is lousy and ineffective. Well, not anymore. I’ve re…
Uddevalla is in war! Skatan took some pics of it. You can find it right here
It’s damn chilly in Trollhättan nowdays!! Brrr..! Also, the Stats function is back in action. Reach…
Here you go lads, a new autumnish style of my little site.
Don’t miss the Popcorn film festival today! I’ts in Stockholm. Get a bit of knowledge here…
Lovely, totally lovely, promising design over at Bafé! Also, don’t forget checkin’ out those flicks…
Some people just don’t get it, but the guy described here must have read the ads in the newspaper v…
Take a look at this. It’s worth a thought…
I’ve acctually done some updates at this site (doh!). Well, maybe not really updates, but small and…
Check this out! Not only sad things is happening to the IT and design economy. Beckmans school of …
Ha, ha, ha! Read about the sick design of swoosh-logotypes
Check this out…
Check out das brand, new Stylefreak
Just got back from the Moby concert in Copenhagen and I can’t say anything else than “Stunning”. He…
Ohhh! Tanks to all people who visited espresso last night! The premiere of our new short feature fe…
Hey! The worm Bugbear (Tanatos) is spreading like hell and is now the most widely spread virus. Onl…
Yeah!!! Arre made it! He got the drivers license! (At Legoland. No, just kiddin’…) Congratulations …
Congratulations to my dear mother! It’s her day today!
Ursäkta Röran fällt för nazistassociationer
En enhällig Granskningsnämnd fällde i veckan TV 4:s ut…
Download hig quality movies directed by for example Guy Ritchie at To download th…
Follow the last hour before the Swedish political election is finished. Click Here Baby
Wow! Just about right now the uniqe visitors counter turned to 10000! Yeah! Thats…. great! ..or som…
This week is to be remembered as the “Flash week”. Or maybe not. Well, however, I’ve solved two maj…
yeah! Olof Ovenholm released his fifth portfolio. Check it out baby!
Check this out - elgooG
Try run a search on mjalF
He, he. After some casual bugchecking I found a nasty little bastard in the babeview function at th…
Well, I’m back in Trollhättan to stay for a long time.
Arre’s birthday is… today, 19 ago! Yo!
Long time no see, but here’s the news!
I have finally succeeded in getting my own Mac at home! The…
I accidentaly erased Lisa from the Babe Database. Sorry. You are welcome to add yourself again.
Sofia Eriksson strips in front of 10000 people at the gay pride festival.
The 7th of august 2002, 23:09:52 someone really nice did a clean breakin to my computer through a “…
The MadLab is now up running, using a modified version of the Flajm PDF-server! Be amazed my friend…
I just lerned how to make those fancy automatic flash UIs for photos. Dynamic loading, sorting and …
Got a hint from Mattias about this crazy video from the Dannish duo JuniorSenior. It’s the Move you…
Some of the photos from Gotland is now scanned and upped to the photo section. Browse your way ther…
Feels like Autumn today… But the good news is that I’m staying home from Hilerstorp. One extra week…
When I surfed the Kodak Film site and looked at my favourite serie of films, I desicovered somthing…
Well, Thanks to Magnus at the Hotell WWW for restoring the backup database! Pjuh! Now is all major …
I did one hell of a mistake when I erased the database… ehh… So, old stuff is showing up aroud this…
I’m going to gotland for a week of action! Me, Tobias, Hanna, Lina and Carina is going and we’re go…
Been to the kalas festival in Lysekil this weekend. Kent and Mano Diao was crazy! Also Varanteatern…
Yeah! Now is the time to go public with my Rasmus version 12!! Bite me! Grrr…!
Martin and Pommer did an extraordinary job when they trekked 45 (European) miles in only 14 days - …
Minimalism in focus. …really. Well, It’s the London Design Collective who are honouring the pixels …
Check out this guy hangin out in the digital Trollhättan @ Ohhh, yeah, yeah, yeah! R…
Look what I found
Yeehaa! My four weeks of vacation just begun!
Today I got my new Soligor fisheye! Yeah! It’s hardconstructed with 56mm patch and shipped with a 5…
Joined as a member to help them with various things. For a start, me and Wååg is goin…
I’m going to Småland for a week of work. I’ll be contacable by email and cellphone.
Congratulations to Brazil for kickin’ the but of Germany today! Ronaldo also made history with his …
Nobody have missed Winter Projects redisign. I hope you are among the “nobodys’”, if not, go get cr…
I Got this lovely Teddy from Hanna today! It was intentially a christmas gift, but turned out as a …
Is this love for filmmaking or just greed for money? released a fo…
Get the leaked SP1 build 1060 for Windows XP. Chose among currently 3 download sites at http://www.…
Ha, ha! I fixed it! There were no problem with the chipset or HD-controller, but with corrupt OS sy…
Today an serious tragedy struck Flajm and me… Bettan, who is the computer wich holds all the impora…
If you sent me an email or two the last three days (20-22 june) they disappeared in the cyberspace.…
yes. Once again the party were going on at the westcoast of Sweden. This time we went to Strömstad …
Sweden lost the game against Senegal today. The game can’t be described in words, you’ll have to se…
Theres a new set of objects for you to see in the “arts&work” –> “Illustration” section. Jus…
How fat are you? I was 20.1. Test your ass down at
Hunk wares at
Extraordinary girl doing design better than 99% of all those pop designers out there!! Check it out…
Hey, here’s a new, crazy, URL:
I’ts quite funny in Swe ya know…
Hey! I graduated from the Media Programmet yesterday. I’m totally out of extra energy today. To mor…
The Public Preview of Quicktime 6 is here! Quicktime 6 is going to be a milestone in QT’s history. …
Thank you Danne for the linkage!
I just found a crazy backdoor to’s administration sys, but only the stats-section. Ch…
Hi there. Some new stuff down at the “arts&work”-section. Photos from last weeks party at Sussa…
Today I finnished my exam project in school. It is an 54 page book of photography from 1999 until t…
Do as your mama would - vote high for my timeline oL at…
My Lifestory in a technical way using the timeline-system. All major events in life, from birth unt…
Today I saw the play “En Svensk Historia” (A Swedish History) produced and written by Bengt and Pig…
Read this article: at greymagic. It describes how to get fil…
Some updates have been made to this site. Also the Flajm PDF Server is finnished:…
Late this evening, The Wall Street journal reported the first major public cloning of human embryo.…
Now is Print media and Web production represented in my portfolio. You’ll find it in the “arts&…
Trollhättan. Yesterday night a whole bunch of fires where reported to the police and firedep. i Tro…
Telia’s is delivering some funny stuff as streamable videos at Check out this …
Last Saturday me and my dad had a quite nice party for our friends. Things went out happily! See so…
Don’t forget to check out what’s happening down in Cannes My film t…
After spending ten hours in post production today, we almost finished off the upcoming feature “Clu…
Take a close look trough Daniel Andersson’s site
Recently uploaded some photos from last weeks bbq. You’ll find the pics in the “arts&work”-sect…
During one year have Apple had Onehundred million of downloads of their multimedia technique Quickt…
It’s finally uploaded - The film section. Get an eye over it in the “arts&work”-section! To loo…
Added four new photos wich are found in the “arts&work”-section in folder “Event - Bidrag till …
Several updates at
Improved DB access for newssections, completely rebuild news…
Hitem’ in the head. Shoot the terrorists using different weapons and techniques in Rajbans latest g…
My alltime favourite team is up running again after millions of minutes offline. Were talkin’ K10k …
Check out the new swedish stakeboard magazine Leif @
Also, don’t miss to che…
Well, first of all, I should say happy birthday to Carina who had her 19th birday party(?) yesterda…
Today i decided to rewrite my CV.
Read my CV here (PDF, 1Mb)
Wanna make a swinging tune? Well, then head over to and make your own trac…
Just saw the movie “A beautiful mind” with russel crowe among others. It was simply wonderful! The …
I’m back from Dublin! It has been a great holiday! Yeah! I’ll maybe put up som photos some day.
Our new Askeladden Freestyle 585 (PIC: ) is w…
So, now is this new site up-n-running. It got a new DB-backend and is built up on only one ASP Docu…
Check out the wonderful soundtrack for the movie “I Am Sam” wich is a tribute to Beatles in some wa…
Really crazy cartoons produced by ! Its bears scratchin’ eels breakin…
Site is now deployed at the new site at flajm and the db is bound & ready. Added som content an…
I’m currently building the frames and set of basic instructions & funcs for my new portfolio.