
We have let Spotify out of it's cage

SpotifyWe have launched Spotify closed beta and here’s a few bloggers writing about it: I will keep my own mouth shut for now.

Henrik Torstensson - Spotify - En Första titt
Kribba: The Blog - Spotify Is The Sh*t
Beta Alfa - Spotify — kärlek vid första öronkastet
Månhus - Revansch på Pricken efter 15 år
Eric Wahlforss - OMG Spotify!
Sriram Kroshnan - Spotify: The revolution has started
[email protected] - Spotify
Alarm:Clock Euro - Former Tradedoublers Create Spotify - Spotify, nästan lika bra som Freestyle
lk9 - Joining the buzz
Dyngan - Bolånsrock vs. bloggpop
Lillbra - Spotify mäkta populär
Emerge - Spotify: Sveriges nya musikexport
Friendly Bit - Spotify is a lot like…
Björn Fant - Spotify Top 5 features - Et in Spotify ego
Viktors Mobile Blog - Spotify is the Next Big Thing
Henriks Blog - I got Spotified! - Spotified
Des - I am Spotified
[email protected] - Spotify for real
Gooh Bah - Spotify (sv)
Dougremer - Spotify my life! (sv)
Kribba: The Blog - I can has Spotify? (sv)
Livet på Ölandsgatan - Underbara Spotify (sv)
Meh - Spotify för mac, vilken tajming (sv)
Ogo - Spotify-ekosystemet? (sv)
Henriks blogg - Spotify - årets applikation? (sv)
AllAndNothing - BB King (sv)
Walter Naeslund - Jag har sett ljudet i tunneln (sv)
Johan i Stockholm - Spotify (sv)
Dist - Spotify (sv)
Robert´s talk - Spotify blows me away!

I stopped filling this post a long time ago. If you’re interested in Spotify, have a look at this Pipe which aggregates news about Spotify: