Smisk 1.1.7 will not bring many new features, but one of them is a built-in HTTP server which can be used for local development, removing the need for a “real” HTTP server (e.g. Lighttpd or Apache httpd).
Simply give your application the --http
$ ./ --http
httpd listening on localhost:8080 backed by application 6056
You can explicitly specify which host and/or what port the HTTP server should bind and listen to by instead using the --http-addr
and --http-port
$ ./ --http-port 8888
httpd listening on localhost:8888 backed by application 6034
$ ./ --http-port 8888 --http-addr
httpd listening on backed by application 6034
Your application will be started in a separate process as a stand-alone FastCGI server listening on
and a smisk.util.httpd.Server is started on the main thread, connecting to your application.
Trying out the key-value store example application:
$ examples/mvc/key-value-store/ --http
httpd listening on localhost:8080 backed by application 6126
rmbp.local - - [01/Sep/2009 15:32:19] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rmbp.local - - [01/Sep/2009 15:32:19] "GET /entry/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rmbp.local - - [01/Sep/2009 15:32:26] "GET /entry/my%20key HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rmbp.local - - [01/Sep/2009 15:32:27] "PUT /entry/my%20key HTTP/1.1" 204 -
rmbp.local - - [01/Sep/2009 15:32:29] "GET /entry/my%20key HTTP/1.1" 200 -
rmbp.local - - [01/Sep/2009 15:32:30] "DELETE /entry/my%20key HTTP/1.1" 204 -
rmbp.local - - [01/Sep/2009 15:32:31] "GET /entry/my%20key HTTP/1.1" 404 -
rmbp.local - - [01/Sep/2009 15:32:32] "GET /entry/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
It’s currently being tested in smisk/master
and can thus be checked out, built and tested.