
Language specification

A slightly outdated document that will eventually be broken into smaller pieces.


Code is structured into packages where a package can import other packages to make use of their code and data. A package is usually built from a number of source files, though source code need not be coming from files. Each package has its own namespace which holds all declarations, independently of where the declarations appear (i.e. source files.)


A package is built in a pipeline fashion, where each source file is concurrently processed.

The parser pipeline converts UTF8 data into abstract syntax trees. It transforms bytes into tokens which are interpreted in a highly syntax-aware fashion, producing AST structures that represent the program in a lossless format.


The compiler pipeline operates at the granularity of functions and is mostly focused on Intermediate Representation (IR) code. An IR builder takes a function in AST form and builds a set of basic blocks in SSA form to represent the function at a essentially language-agnostic level. Optimizations are applied to the IR as a sequence of “passes”, where some are always enabled and some are only enabled when “optimized” code is requested, trading time for code quality.


The IR builder is somewhat language-aware, as it converts AST into IR, but subsequent oprimization passes and code generation is language-agnostic and it would be possible to make use of this “back end” for other languages with similar runtime semantics to Co.

An unresolved reference is an identifier which is unavailable or unknown at the time it is referenced. Usually this identifier is defined later in code, or in a separate source file. Anyhow, the compiler will stuff away functions which has unresolved references into a “wait set”. Whenever an identifier is defined which causes a previously-unresolved function to become resolved (i.e. when all its references are known), that function is lifted out from the “wait set” and is compiled to completion.

The parser and compiler pipeline makes use of some shared resources:



Intermediate representation (IR) — details on how code is represented internally and how SSA is used for optimizations.

Call stack — discusses the call stack

Patterns — Observations of common patterns in general programming and inspiration for Co

Chaitin-Briggs register allocation demo — visualization of the Chaitin-Briggs graph-coloring register allocation algorithm.