Intermediate Representation (IR)

When a program is compiled, it passes through a “pipeline” which can be visualized like this:

source text —> tokens —> AST —> IR code —> target code

First, source text is parsed into an Abstract Syntax tree. This is where syntactic transformations, scope resolution, variable resolution and type resolution happens, as well as most error checking. After some piece of source code has been successfully translated into AST, Intermediate Representation (just “IR” from here on) is built from the AST.

Here’s a short example, starting with source code:

fun foo(x, y int) int {
  if x > 3 {
  x + y

The following AST is built from parsing the foo function:

(fun <(int, int)->int> foo ((x int) (y int))
    (if (<bool>GT <int>x <int>3)
      (assign (<int>y) INC)
    (return (<int>ADD <int>x <int>y))

And here is the IR generated for that function’s AST:

foo (int int)->int
  b0:                          // function's entry block
    v1 = LoadParam <int> [0]   // load parameter x
    v2 = LoadParam <int> [1]   // load parameter y
    v3 = i32Const <int> [3]    // load constant 3
    v4 = i32Gt_u <bool> v1 v3  // x > 3
    v5 = i32Const <int> [1]    // load constant 1
  if v4 —> b1 b2               // if ... then goto b1, else goto b2

  b1: <— b0                    // "then" branch of "if"
    v6 = i32Add <int> v2 v5    // y + 1
  cont —> b2                   // unconditionally continue to block 2

  b2: <— b0, b1                // end "if" ("else" branch)
    v8 = Phi <int> v2 v6       // note that y varies with entry branch
    v9 = i32Add <int> v1 v8    // x + y
  ret v9                       // return x from function

We can observe a few things about this process:

Internal constructs

Op is an enum representing all basic operations (instructions). e.g. i32Gt_u for “compare two unsigned 32-bit integers with greater-then”. There are a few special operations, like Phi which represents a SSA phi (branch merge point.) The set of operations closely matches the instruction set of WebAssembly

Value is “a line of IR”; holds operation and operands in a Three-Address Code fashion. Uniquely numbered within a function.

Block is basic block containing Values. Contains links to predecessor blocks in .preds and to successors in .succs. Blocks forms the Control Flow Graph of a function.

BlockKind denotes what specific kind a block is; how a block exists. The .control property of the block controls the path taken from a block.

kind control (x) successors notes
Plain (nil) next e.g. cont/goto
If boolean then, else  
Ret memory (none)  
First   next used by lowering pass

Fun represents a function and contains a list of all blocks that comprises the function. Fun also maintains a constant cache and handles value and block ID allocation.

IRBuilder builds IR for a package on a per-function basis