Call stack

To understand how Co’s call stack works, let’s explore a simple program:

fun twice(x i32) i32 {
  x * 2

fun add(a, b, c i32) (i32, bool) {
  b = twice(b)
  (a + b + c, true)

fun main {
  add(10, 20, 30)

Before we dig in, consider the following:


When we enter main the stack looks like this:

SP is the stack pointer—a register value that is used to refer to the current address in the stack memory. We use this value to address nearby values in the current stack frame. In these illustrations, the number next to SP indicates an offset from SP, for instance SP +4 means “SP plus 4 bytes”.

In this example, memory is addressed with 64-bits (8 bytes.)

The main function first grows the stack to make room for frame pointer address, call arguments and return values:

SUBQ  $32, SP     # grow stack
MOVQ  BP, 24(SP)  # store frame-pointer in stack memory at SP+24
LEAQ  24(SP), BP  # load new frame pointer addr into BP (excl return address)

Since stack memory is pre-allocated, “growing” the stack really just means to change the value of SP. As the stack grows, the stack pointer (SP) decreases in value.

Next, main writes the arugments to the add function we’re about to call:

MOVL  $10, (SP)   # store arg 1 at memory address SP=50=50
MOVL  $20, 4(SP)  # store arg 2 at memory address SP=50+4=54
MOVL  $30, 8(SP)  # store arg 3 at memory address SP=50+8=58

But hey, we need 36 bytes of memory here, not 32 right? What about moving SP past the end of the 4-byte storage for “Arg 1 for foo”? Intel architecture-like CPUs will automatically decrement SP by 8 (address size) before writing the return address to SP, thus we have 8 bytes of space in the stack after our SP.

Finally the CALL instruction is issued, causing execution to jump from the main function to the add function.

CALL  add(SB)

The CALL instruction performs the following:

  1. Increment IP (instruction pointer) register
  2. Subtract 8 from SP (8 = address size)
  3. Copy IP to address stored at SP — this effectively writes the return addressat SP; the program-memory address just after our CALL instruction (value of IP.)
  4. Set IP to address given with CALL operand (add(SB))

We’re now in the add function which does the same thing that the main function did in it’s “prologue”, namely to grow the stack and save its frame pointer:

SUBQ  $24, SP     # grow stack
MOVQ  BP, 16(SP)  # store frame-pointer in stack memory at SP+16
LEAQ  16(SP), BP  # load new frame pointer addr into BP (excl return address)

The RET instruction performs the following:

  1. Copy SP to IP
  2. Add 8 to SP (8 = address size), effectively “popping” the return address off the stack
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go tool compile -S main.go
  TEXT  twice(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16  # locals size = 0, args size = 16
  MOVL  x+8(SP), AX
  SHLL  $1, AX
  MOVL  AX, ~r1+16(SP)

  TEXT  add(SB), $24-24    # locals size: 24, args size: 24
  SUBQ  $24, SP         # grow stack for call args + retvals + retaddr
  MOVQ  BP, 16(SP)      # store current frame pointer at SP+16
  LEAQ  16(SP), BP      # compute & store new frame pointer addr
  MOVL  b+36(SP), AX # load add's 2nd arg into register AX
  MOVL  AX, (SP)        # push arg 1
  CALL  twice(SB)       # call "twice" function

  MOVL  a+32(SP), AX    # load return value from "twice" into AX
  ADDL  8(SP), AX       # add args a and b; result stored to AX

  MOVL  c+40(SP), CX    # load arg c into CX
  ADDL  CX, AX          # add result of above and arg c

  # store return values (for the current function)
  MOVL  AX, ~r3+48(SP)  # store result of addition to SP+48 (retv 1)
  MOVB  $1, ~r4+52(SP)  # store constant 1 to sp+52 (retv 2)

  # restore stack
  MOVQ  16(SP), BP      # restore stack pointer (unwind by one stack frame)
  ADDQ  $24, SP         # shrink stack (balances growth by SUBQ $24, SP)


  TEXT  main(SB), $32-0  # locals size: 32, args size: 0

  SUBQ  $32, SP        # grow stack for call args + retvals
  MOVQ  BP, 24(SP)     # store current frame pointer at SP+24
  LEAQ  24(SP), BP     # compute & store new frame pointer addr

  # prepare for call to "add"
  MOVL  $10, (SP)      # push arg 1
  MOVL  $20, 4(SP)     # push arg 2
  MOVL  $30, 8(SP)     # push arg 3

  # call "add" function
  CALL  add(SB)
    # Note that CALL also pushes the return-address (8 bytes) at the top
    # of the stack; so every references to SP made from within our add
    # function end up being offsetted by 8 bytes.

  # restore stack
  MOVQ  24(SP), BP     # unwind stack pointer by one stack frame
  ADDQ  $32, SP        # shrink stack (balances growth by SUBQ $32, SP)

