Instruction Set Architecture

RSM offers 30 general-purpose 64-bit integer registers and 30 64-bit floating-point registers. Instructions are 32 bits wide, fixed size. PC and jump- & branch destinations are expressed in #instructions rather than bytes.


Most instructions accept register number or immediate value as their last argument. See Instruction Encoding for more details.

copyABuregRA = Bu -- aka "move"
copyvABvregRA = instr[...]; PC+=Bu
loadABCsregRA = mem[RB + Cs : 8]
load4uABCsregRA = mem[RB + Cs : 4] -- zero-extend i32 to i64
load4sABCsregRA = mem[RB + Cs : 4] -- sign-extend i32 to i64
load2uABCsregRA = mem[RB + Cs : 2] -- zero-extend i16 to i64
load2sABCsregRA = mem[RB + Cs : 2] -- sign-extend i16 to i64
load1uABCsregRA = mem[RB + Cs : 1] -- zero-extend i8 to i64
load1sABCsregRA = mem[RB + Cs : 1] -- sign-extend i8 to i64
storeABCsmemmem[RB + Cs : 8] = RA
store4ABCsmemmem[RB + Cs : 4] = RA -- wrap i64 to i32
store2ABCsmemmem[RB + Cs : 2] = RA -- wrap i64 to i16
store1ABCsmemmem[RB + Cs : 1] = RA -- wrap i64 to i8
addABCuregRA = RB + Cu -- wrap on overflow
subABCuregRA = RB - Cu -- wrap on overflow
mulABCuregRA = RB * Cu -- wrap on overflow
addsABCsregRA = RB + Cs -- panic on overflow
subsABCsregRA = RB - Cs -- panic on overflow
mulsABCsregRA = RB * Cs -- panic on overflow
divABCuregRA = RB / Cu
modABCuregRA = RB % Cu
andABCuregRA = RB & Cu
orABCuregRA = RB | Cu
xorABCuregRA = RB ^ Cu
shlABCuregRA = RB << Cu
shrsABCuregRA = RB >> Cu -- sign-replicating (arithmetic)
shruABCuregRA = RB >> Cu -- zero-replicating (logical)
binvABuregRA = ~Bu -- bitwise complement, invert bits
notABuregRA = !Bu -- boolean negation
eqABCuregRA = RB == Cu
neqABCuregRA = RB != Cu
ltuABCuregRA = RB < Cu
ltsABCsregRA = RB < Cs
lteuABCuregRA = RB <= Cu
ltesABCsregRA = RB <= Cs
gtuABCuregRA = RB > Cu
gtsABCsregRA = RB > Cs
gteuABCuregRA = RB >= Cu
gtesABCsregRA = RB >= Cs
ifABsif RA!=0 PC += Bs
ifzABsif RA==0 PC += Bs
callAuR0...R7 = push(PC); PC=Au
jumpAuPC = Au
ret_PC = pop()
tspawnAuR0 = spawn_task(pc=Au, args=R0...R7)
syscallAuR0...R7 = syscall(code=Au, args=R0...R18)
writeABCDsregRA = write dstaddr=RB size=RC fd=Ds
readABCDuregRA = read srcaddr=RB size=RC fd=Du
mcopyABCumemmem[RA:Cu] = mem[RB:Cu]
mcmpABCDuregRA = mem[RB:Du] <> mem[RC:Du]
stkmemAsSP = maybe_split_or_join_stack(); SP += As

Instruction encoding

Instructions are fixed-size, 32 bits wide, little endian. PC and jump- & branch destinations are expressed in #instructions rather than bytes. There is room for 256 operations and 32+32 (int+fp) registers (8 bit OP, 5 bit reg) Most instructions accept reg or immediate (i bit is set) as last argument.

bit   │3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2│2 2 2 2 1│1 1 1 1 1│1 1 1 1  │ │               │
      │1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4│3 2 1 0 9│8 7 6 5 4│3 2 1 0 9│8│7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0│
ABCD  │         D (8) │  C (5)  │  B (5)  │  A (5)  │i│     OP (8)    │
ABCw  │                  C (13) │  B (5)  │  A (5)  │i│     OP (8)    │
ABw   │                            B (18) │  A (5)  │i│     OP (8)    │
Aw    │                                      A (23) │i│     OP (8)    │

           Min         Max                  Min         Max
Au           0   8,388,607       As  -4,194,304   4,194,303
Bu           0     262,143       Bs    -131,072     131,071
Cu           0       8,191       Cs      -4,096       4,095
Du           0         255       Ds        -128         127

Instruction argument encoding

Encoding Arguments
_ (none)
A R(A)
Au R(A) or immediate unsigned value
As R(A) or immediate signed value
ABv R(A), with Bu immediate trailing u32 values
AB R(A), R(B)
ABu R(A), R(B) or immediate unsigned value
ABs R(A), R(B) or immediate signed value
ABC R(A), R(B), R(C)
ABCu R(A), R(B), R(C) or immediate unsigned value
ABCs R(A), R(B), R(C) or immediate signed value
ABCD R(A), R(B), R(C), R(D)
ABCDu R(A), R(B), R(C), R(D) or immediate unsigned value
ABCDs R(A), R(B), R(C), R(D) or immediate signed value


Callee-owned registers

Callee-owned (caller-saved, temporary) registers. Caller needs to save these before a call (if caller uses them.) Callee can freely use these registers.

R0…R7   1st…8th integer argument/return value
F0…F7   1st…8th floating-point argument/return value
R8…R18  General purpose
F8…F18  General purpose

Caller-owned registers

Caller-owned (callee-saved, long-lived) registers. Caller does not need to save these registers. Callee using these must save and later restore their values before returning.

R19…R29   General purpose
F19…F29   General purpose
SP (R31)  Stack pointer

Special registers

CTX  (R30)  Context (like AAPCS platform reg and Go's G)
SP   (R31)  Stack pointer
-    (F30)  Reserved (unused)
FPSR (F31)  Floating-point status

Calling convention